Advice From The Ritchie's Experts

Identifying Weeds in Your Garden & Lawn
你是否正在与草坪、花园或菜地的杂草生长作斗争? 让我们来看看安大略省东部最常见的一些杂草和最有效的治疗方案:
从表面上看,移植树木和灌木似乎是一件容易的事, 但如果你不注意移除或安装,你可能会伤害或杀死植物. 让我们来探索一下如何安全地将现有的灌木移动到一个新的位置...
A Quick Guide to Starting Seeds and Bulbs Indoors
Do you want to get a head start on the growing season? 种植在安大略省东部气候/土壤中难以在户外种植的品种? Save money when you have a large crop to grow? Have better control over the...
Make Your Garden Bird-Friendly
你的花园之美不仅仅是吸引过路人的注意...郁郁葱葱、充满活力的花园也是鸟儿在头顶翱翔的好去处. 鸟对生命和美有一双眼睛,能从高处发现...
Tree Planting: A Step by Step Guide
不管是不是大自然爱好者,每个人都应该考虑在家里的户外空间里增加一棵树. 关于树木对环境的好处,我们可以一直说下去, but beyond their natural effect, trees can be a central part of your...
Why You Should Start Gardening This Spring
园艺是世界上最有价值的爱好之一, and all it takes to get started is soil, water, seeds, and sunlight. 园艺对各个年龄的人来说都是一项极好的爱好. Children can learn about nature and science and...
Keeping Animals Away from Your Garden
Animals love green spaces, such as home gardens, 因为他们知道他们会在那里找到吃的(至少), most of the time!). Landscapers and homeowners know, 如果你想让这些动物远离你的花园, you'll benefit from...
Avoid These Beginner Herb Garden Mistakes
The big trend in food these days is “farm to table,越来越多的人有兴趣弄清楚他们的食物究竟来自哪里,并确保食物的质量尽可能高. And though the overwhelming...
A Beginner’s Guide to Birding
One of the most exciting, interesting, 你能接触到的信息丰富的爱好就是奇妙的观鸟世界. With more than 10,000 different species of birds all around the world, each and every one of them unique, you’ll...
5 Signs You're a Gardener at Heart
园丁是一个特殊的品种,他们有一些共同的特点. 作为一个园丁不仅仅是种下一些种子然后收工! 严肃地说,即使你没有表现出这五个迹象,你也应该园艺...
Preparing Your Perennials for Winter
如果你对准备过冬的多年生植物感兴趣,你会喜欢这个实用指南的. 我们整理了一些最好的建议,它们都很容易理解,也很容易遵循. Now, let’s take a look at the smartest,...
Grow an Indoor Herb Garden This Winter
没有什么比在寒冷的冬夜吃一顿家常菜更好的了. Whether you’re preparing a warm winter stew, 丰盛的意大利面和肉丸配以新鲜牛至, or easy yet elegant homemade pesto, these are all favourites. Take these dishes...
How to Protect Your Lawn from the Cold Weather
每个房主都知道一件事——拥有美丽的草坪会有很大的不同. You spend all summer tending your garden, 确保它是一个郁郁葱葱的天堂,是邻里羡慕的对象. Then the harsh Ottawa winter kicks in...
Garden Problem Solver
这是我们花园问题解决者研讨会的幻灯片. 感谢所有参加会议的人,如果有任何问题请随时与我们联系. Weed Identification Insect Identification Disease Identification
Garden Design  
Why do I need a design? 如果你把你的花园想象成一次旅行,你的设计本身就是如何到达那里的地图. 没有地图,你很容易迷路,或者去你不知道的地方...
Building a pond
在过去的五年中,水园艺已经成为园林设计中最新和发展最快的趋势之一. 然而,水上园艺已经存在了很长时间. There are many factors to building a pond. Understanding...
Lawn Care
草坪护理为新作物准备土壤把土壤翻到10-15厘米深. Add soil amendments such as black earth and topsoil. 耙好并平整土壤,形成一个远离土壤的斜坡...
Gopher Resistant Plants
Gopher Resistant Plants Annuals: Cyclamen sp. 仙客来,橙,夹竹桃,夹竹桃,迷迭香,鼠尾草,鼠尾草,栀子花,伯利恒之星,马铃薯藤球茎,葱属植物. 观赏洋葱苋菜颠茄颠茄百合银莲花冬风花秋水仙秋番红花风信子...
Toxic to Cats
对猫有毒植物学名称症状常用名称赤藓属严重呕吐和腹泻(有时带血), tremors, high heart rate, fever, shock, and death. Seeds are highly toxic. 采购产品佛经珠,印度珠,印度甘草,爱豆,幸运豆,祈祷...
Aphids Aphids are green, brown, 吸植物汁液的红色或黑色软体昆虫,造成叶片和花朵发育不良和变形. 它们生长在叶子的背面,通常是在较新的多肉生长的叶子上. They deposit sticky...
Spider mites
蜘蛛螨是一种微小的吸吮汁液的昆虫,生长在树叶的背面. 温暖的气温和低湿度会使它们传播得更快. 它们通常不被注意,直到细小的网状物明显出现. Control: Increase humidity by...